Success stories

Let's say 'NO!' to bullying

Nizhyn, Chernihiv region

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During the Student Self-Government Day, the students' parliament of Nizhyn School No17 identified its most pressing problems. When discussing them in detail during the “Analyze. Think. Suggest" activity, they concluded that it was necessary to create a school project "Let's say 'NO!' to bullying".

The next step was a meeting with the school administration, during which a series of activities on issues and problems raised were jointly planned.

During the holidays, the entire teaching staff participated in the role-play 'Anti-bullying', which was conducted using a modified 'Just a minute' activity from the 'Compass. The manual on human rights education with young people'.

Another form of work was initiated by the students, a video challenge. They developed the script themselves, choosing from among them an experienced cameraman, a student of the 11th grade Maksym Kozhukhar. And here is the result:

Several discussions about this phenomenon were organized. Students and teachers have worked towards understoanding its essence and manifestations. One of the meetings resulted in a visualized joint project "Bullying".

In the course of the project students began to realize that, unfortunately, this phenomenon exists in their environment. And this is already the beginning of its eradication. These events gave everyone an opportunity to reflect and to arrive at serious conclusions. The next step is to create a system of prompt and timely response to cases of bullying.

Teachers of various subjects were actively involved in this project. They have found ways to work on this important topic in mathematics, history, biology, Ukrainian language, health, geography, civic education, law and computer science.

Both students and teachers consider this project important and useful and plan to extend their experience to other educational institutions in their city.

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